Exposing the Confused and Illusory World of Atheism
MEDIA ADVISORY, March 3, 2011 / Christian Newswire / — Announcing the publication of: “Nonsense of a High Order: The Confused and Illusory World of the Atheist,” (Tradition and Reason Press, Inc.) by Moshe Averick, an ordained Orthodox rabbi and Jewish educator for 30 years.
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PrayerGroup.org Launches Christian Social Network, Featuring Online Bible, To Expand Prayer and Promote the Christian …
PrayerGroup.org a social media company announces the launch of its worldwide Christian social network. The online community is noticeably rich in faith-based media content such as music, videos and blogs, but remains equally focused on worship through its prayer and praise, online bible and other forums. The site already has become the largest free online church community in the country by …
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Grief-stricken Pakistani Christians to bury slain minister
Angry Pakistani youths shouted “death for killers” Friday ahead of the burial of the country’s only Christian government minister who was assassinated for challenging a law that stipulates death for insulting Islam.
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